If you are an Artist, filmmaker, photographer, author send your request for an art residency

In the zawya neighborhood we invite artists and authors to spend a cultural and creative exchange period together with our youth and staff. You will be housed in our spaces and experience close contact with local artisans and people.
Bring your vision and creativity and share it with young talent in the neighborhood. Transmit your experience and create your work together with us.

Work side by side with the Maalam, the masters of local handicrafts

Explore the techniques and crafts in our workshops and discover the colors and materials of the area, you will be able to visit production sites and request custom work and treatments. You will be able to collaborate with one of Morocco’s leading schools of training and specialization in handicrafts, and see the best maalems in Marrakech at work. We look forward to accompanying you step by step in the making of your work.

Do you have a film project to make?

Send us your short film, documentary or video art project to be made in Zawya. The video studios and editing team will be available to support you in all stages of processing, from site surveys to filming to editing and finalization, bring your ideas and share your experience.

Filmmaker Filippo Gobbato

Filippo Gobbato produced his short film during his residency in the Zawya neighborhood. The short film, shot entirely with the project’s youth, tells a cross-section of the neighborhood in 2018, the author follows the young boxer Hamouda during training and in parallel the hard work of Hassan, a stoker at a Hammam’s furnace. Watch the short film (link )

Make your contribution to Zawya Literary Cafe

We are creating the neighborhood’s first cafe, the space that will become a place for young people to read, meet and have a cafe. The building that will house it is financed with the works created by the young people as part of the project Build with the word, (discover/link). Your art residency can take place at the site and you can contribute your ideas and, why not, your manual skills.

The Zawya logo was born with artist Massimo Grimaldi

Massimo Grimaldi is an internationally renowned Italian artist who spent 12 days in residence in the Zawya neighborhood. The first few days were dedicated to visiting the city and the neighborhood workshops, where the maalem together with the children illustrated some of the techniques of working. Meetings and moments of reflection on the identity of our group then took place in the location, with the aim of identifying the visual and textual elements of the social media communication campaign. The neighborhood youth interacted together with the project staff on the questions posed by Grimaldi and proposed their own ideas and solutions. The results of 12 intense days at Zawiya with the Artist are a logo, a logotype and a slogan.
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Hospitality and traditional food

Selected artists will be hosted free of charge in the Dar Hiba space, home of the Afrika-Maroc association just minutes from the center of Zawya, in the medina of Marrakech. Here they will have their own space to stay during their residency, a private room, a space to eat the meals that we will prepare for them, and a personal bathroom. Dar Hiba has been entirely renovated by the boys and maalems of the neighborhood using traditional craft techniques and local materials.